MAX have big feelings and small wheels. He was manufactered by a Russian spy and somethings he misses the Great Mother Russia (even though he never know her).
Regulated by the Three Laws of Robotics, Max have many human friends. But he only truly loves Micro.
Their relationship comes way back, when Micro found MAX in a desert of Mars. Micro didn’t make any question and Max didn’t offer answers…
MAX is faithful, but he likes to keep his secrets. However he is nice and thoughtful.
Showing posts tagged with: character


Meet Cobra
by Pirita in blog

Meet Cobra, our favourite organic food obsessed character. She is proudly unfriendly and cute as hell.
We love Cobra because she doesnt fit in the nice & neat Mutropolis team. She doesn’t understand sensitive behaviour. She just doesn’t care.
Our beloved Cobra is mean and selfish and she always look suspicious. But we loved her anyway!